(continued from Insert PCM)

Link/Unlink PCM

This feature can be used to Unlink the PCM from the booking (if it is linked) or Link the booking to the PCM if it is Unlinked.

Screen Shot 101: Link/Unlink PCM

The name(s) of any PCMs which may have been inserted into the booking are displayed.

The same PCM can be inserted into a booking more than once. In the example in Screen Shot 101: Link/Unlink PCM above, the same simple “3 Day Auckland Highlights” PCM has been added to the booking twice. The Sequence number alongside the PCM name identifies that it has been added twice.


The column headings PCM Name, Seq Number, Linked, Pax Range and Recost PCM are all that are available in this screen. Columns can be removed if required.

The Current PCM Status Window at the bottom of the screen shows that the Booking is currently linked to the highlighted PCM. In the example above, the first instance of the PCM has been linked and the second instance has not been linked – the Y and N in the ‘Linked’ column indicating the link status.

Retain Link to PCM

To unlink the PCM, uncheck the checkbox. To re link the PCM, check the checkbox.

Pax Range

The pax range can be altered if required by selecting a different pax range from the drop down

The pax range numbers ‘2+0+0+0’ is ‘2 Pax+0 Escorts+0 Drivers+0 Guides’. The Escort/Driver/Guide values only display in Group Bookings.

Recost PCM Lines

The re-cost the PCM service lines radio buttons offer the following choices:


Tourplan will recost the services based on current Services Database values. If the Cost values are different from the cost values in the PCM lines, then the lines will be updated with the new cost values when they are copied in. If the Link to the PCM is to be retained, the Sell values will not be updated. If the link to the PCM is not retained, the Sell values will also be updated.

All Except Overrides

As for ‘All’ except any rate which has manually overridden in the PCM will be retained as is.


The existing PCM costs will be recalculated based on the number of pax in the booking.

(continued in PCM Services)