(continued from Booking Utilities)


There are two additional choices beneath the Notes menu – Booking Notes and Agent Notes. Booking notes enables free format notes to be added to the booking under a range of pre-defined Note Categories, which must first have been set up in the Tourplan Code Maint module. Agent Notes: allows viewing of notes attached to the agent.

Booking Notes

Notes added in this screen apply at the Booking Header level i.e. to the whole booking rather than to a booking service line.


Screen Shot 132: Booking Notes Screen

In this example, there are two Booking Header note categories available – Ops Booking Notes and Accts Booking Notes. A note has been added under the Operations Booking Note category.

The notes may also be used on booking documents and messages for both agents and suppliers.

Agent Notes

Screen Shot 133: Agent Notes Screen

The Agent Notes function in the window allows viewing only of notes added for the agent; these are attached to the booking. The Agent Notes are edited and maintained in the Debtors module.

(continued in Booking Contacts)