(continued from Accounts 2 Training Guide)


The items marked * are performed as part of a standard period (month) end procedure.

Accounts Training Guide 2 (this document) details the following accounts processes:

The Accounting functions are used with different frequencies:


At Period End

As Required


Agent Statements

AR Period Close

AR Re-build

Profit Transfer

AR Agent Commission

AP Period Close

AP Re-build


AR Remittances/EFT

G. L. Period Close

GL Re-build


AR Banking

AR Forex

Close Bookings



AP Forex



AP Bulk Cheques

Lock GL



AP Remittances/EFT




AP Banking




AP Release Withheld




AP Pre-payments








GL Journal Entry




An effort is made in the layout of this training guide to keep related topics together. This is not always possible, since some processes are the same for (e.g.), both Debtors and Creditors. Rather than replicate the documentation, topics that are identical are grouped together. In order to provide a somewhat logical layout, this guide is laid out in the following order:

Periodic Processes:

Accounts Receivable (AR)

Accounts Payable (AP)

Common to both AR and AP

Period End Processes:

Accounts Receivable (AR)

Common to AR, AP

Common to AR, AP and GL

Bank Reconciliation:

Bank Reconciliation Set Up

Common to AR, AP

Reconcile Bank Accounts

General Ledger (GL):

GL Journal Entry


Screen shots have been used to illustrate most processes. In many instances, these screen shots have been cropped to display only the fields on the screens rather than fill the with blank space.

(continued in Periodic Processes/Index)