(continued from Debtors)


Settings available under INI Maint> Creditors are: (INI NAME, Per User/All, Data Type).

APADDRESSnLABEL (5 Fields) (All Users, String)

These 5 settings can be used to label the physical address fields in Creditor set up—e.g., Street, Suburb, and City etc.


User special.


This setting allows the cheque scroll mode to be set when locating invoice transactions to pay. When the value is Y fully paid AP invoices will be included in the invoice scroll.

Setting this value to Y will have a significant degrading effect on the time taken to return the transaction list.


APCLOSEDPERIOD (All Users, Period)

The Creditors ledger closed accounting period.

This value is set when the systems is installed and should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice. Altering this setting can result in creditor’s balances being incorrect.



The Creditors ledger current accounting period.

This value is set when the systems is installed and should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice. Altering this setting can result in creditor’s balances being incorrect.



Sets the checkbox default for whether transactions should be updated with cheque references.

APMAILINGADDRESSnLABEL (5 Fields) (All Users, String)

These 5 settings can be used to label the mailing address fields in Creditor set up—e.g., P.O. Box, Suburb, and City etc.

APUDLABELn (5 Fields) (All Users, String)

Used to label the 5 User Defined text fields which then display under Details> Analysis Tab in creditors.


Enables the default value to be set for the checkbox Close Voucher when paying creditors.

AP_EXCHANGE_RATES (All Users, String)

This setting determines whether the exchange rate used in foreign currency creditor payments is based on the (T)ransaction date or (B)ooking travel date.

AP_INVOICE_AGE (All Users, String)

The value in this setting determines how creditor’s invoices will age.

This value is set after ageing options have been discussed with the user company. It should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice.


AP_INVOICE_POSTING (All Users, String)

The value in this setting determines when the revenue is recognised.

This value is set after expense recognition options have been discussed with the user company. It should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice.


AP_LOG_FOREX (All Users, String)

This setting is used in conjunction with support advice to log the time taken to generate Forex transactions.


This setting is used in conjunction with support advice to log the time taken to rebuild creditor balances.

AP_PAYDUE_FROM_SRV (Per User, String)

This setting determines whether the creditor invoice Payment Due date is calculated from the Booking travel date or Service date.

AP_VOUCHER_ERRORS (Per User, String)

This setting offers a variety of options when errors are trapped during voucher payment. Such errors include advice that No Cash Has Been Received For This Booking etc. These errors can be suppressed completely, held until transaction tagging has completed etc. The valid values are Tag (as each voucher is tagged), Ok (on clicking OK when tagging completed), Tag All (when Tag All is clicked), Never.


User Special.


User Special.


User Special.


This setting can be used to determine the default cheque payment type to be used when creating creditor cheques.


Sets the default radio button in creditors to determine which action to take when a supplier address has changed and voucher addresses need updating.


This setting can be used to enable booking detail columns to be output when a cheque selection report is run.

(continued in General Ledger)