(continued from PCM)


Settings available under INI Maint> Fastbook are: (INI NAME, Per User/All, Data Type).


Redundant setting. Not used.

BKG_CANCEL_STATUS (Per User, String)

The status that must be attached to a Booking before it can be deleted. (see Booking Status).

BOOKING_COUNT (Per User, Number)

Used in conjunction with the value set in DEFAULT_BOOKING_NAME as a suffix to the default booking name. The number increments automatically.


Setting that allows allocation to display inside the set release period.

BRANCH_CHK (Per User, String)

Setting to indicate if the booking branch should be checked against the DEFAULT_BRANCH. Bookings not matching can only be viewed, not edited.

BRANCH_CHK_ORIDE (All Users, String)

A security level override for the BRANCH_CHK setting. Any user with a security level equal to, or above this level will be able to edit a booking despite mismatching branches.

CONSULTANT (Per User, String)

Used to link the Consultants Tourplan login name (see Users) with the Consultants Initials (see PCM Node).

DEFAULT_AGENT (Per User, String)

Setting used to automatically default a specific agent into the Booking header based on the users login name.


Can be used to default a standard booking name—e.g., Quote Reference. The value in the BOOKING_COUNT setting can be used to append a numeric value to the default name—e.g. Quote Reference 125.

DEFAULT_BRANCH (Per User, String)

Can be used automatically default a specific Booking Branch into the Booking header based on the users login name.

DEFAULT_COMM (Per User, Number)

A numeric value indicating the default Agent Commission percentage on a booking. This value is overridden if the agent has a commission percentage attached.

DEFAULT_DEPT (Per User, String)

Can be used automatically default a specific Booking Department into the Booking header based on the users login name.

DEFAULT_MUP (Per User, Number)

A numeric value indicating the default Booking Mark-up percentage. This value is overridden if the agent has a mark-up percentage attached.


A setting to default a particular room type to rooms in the Pax Travelling screen. If unset, the default is 2 pax/Twin

DEFAULT_SALEn (3 Fields) (Per User, String)

Can be used automatically default a specific value into the Booking Analysis fields based on the users login name.

DEFAULT_SUBCODE (Per User, String)

Used to set a default foreign currency conversion sub-code (see Currency Sub-code) into the Booking header.


Some third party web based booking applications insert services into Tourplan bookings which may or may not be stored in the Tourplan Product Database. These are known as Fixed Services. Under normal circumstances, only the (web) application that inserted the service has the permissions to delete it. Setting this value to Y allows fixed service deletion from within the Tourplan Fastbook application.

DEPARTMENT_CHK (Per User, String)

Setting to indicate if the booking department should be checked against the DEFAULT_DEPT. Bookings not matching can only be viewed, not edited.


A security level override for the DEPARTMENT_CHK setting. Any user with a security level equal to, or above this level will be able to edit a booking despite mismatching departments.

DUPLICATE_NAME (Per User, String)

This setting determines what action will be taken when a duplicate Fastbook booking name is entered. The options are Y (allow duplicate names), N (deny duplicate names); W (warn a duplicate exists then allow).

EDITABLETAX (Per User, String)

When the value for this setting is Y, the Tax fields in the service costs screens can be accessed and changed.


The value for this setting determines whether a service can be altered after the service has been (paid and) closed.

This setting has an impact on any alterations which may be required to be made to services after the service has been paid and closed. If (e.g.) an exchange rate variation requires the booking to be recalculated, and some/all services have been closed, a message will advise that Closed services have not been updated.



This setting allows or denies users to edit vouchers when they are in the message editing window prior to output.


This setting allows or denies the Booking Date Entered field to be accessed and the date changed.


The password used in conjunction with FBCREDITLIMITTYPE.


The value entered against this setting determines system action in the event of an agent’s credit limit being exceeded. The allowable values are: DENY which will not allow the booking to proceed; WARN which will warn that the credit limit has been exceeded and PW which will allow the booking to proceed once the password stored in FBCREDITLIMITPW has been entered.


This value is used to determine whether Pax (child) ages in Fastbook are entered as an (A)ge or Birth(D)ate, or (E)ither. If (A)ge is used, the birthdate is calculated as the booking travel date.

FB_AUTO_RECEIPT (Per User, String)

Fastbook has an Auto Receipting function which allows a debtor's cash receipt to be issued at the same time that the invoice is raised. This setting allows Auto Receipting to be turned on.

FB_LOOKUP_LIMIT (Per User, String)

This setting can be used to limit the number of bookings returned when searching for a booking to work on.

FB_MODIFY_PCM_NOTES (Per User, String)

When a Package PCM is inserted into a Fastbooking, one of the Package set up parameters is whether any PCM Notes should be automatically copied into the Fastbooking. This setting determines whether those copied in notes are allowed to be edited in the Fastbooking.


When searching for a booking by name, the search basis is From. E.g., entering smith will find Smith Mr G before finding Smithers. It would not find Mr G Smith since the search is starting at the beginning of the string—i.e., smith is the first 5 characters of the name being searched for. If the value for this setting is Y, then smith is Included in the search, so any name with smith anywhere in it will be found.


This setting determines whether the Service Detail tab or Scroll tab is the default when inserting services in a Fastbooking.

FB_PAXTEXTLABEL1–5 (5 Fields) (Per User, String)

These 5 settings can be used to label the general text fields in the Pax Travelling room screen


When this value is set to Y, an additional radio button displays on the Fastbook Add New Booking Wizard offering two choices: Create Booking or Look up Services. If Look up Services is chosen, the booking can be created once services are found.

FB_PUDO_WARNINGS (Per User, String)

When set to Y a warning is triggered on service insert that Pick-up/Drop-off details have not been entered.


The default setting for the checkbox Retain Voucher Text during Service Substitution.

FB_SET_FILTER (Per User, String)

If the Find button is clicked in the Fastbook booking header screen without entering any selection criteria, the presumption is that the search is for all bookings. Setting this value to Y will display a booking header filter screen which allows various search criteria to be entered before the search begins.


The default setting for the checkbox Retain Link to PCM when inserting a PCM into a Fastbooking.


The default colour for a Package service line in a booking when the package services are not displayed (collapsed). See Colours.

PACKAGE_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour for a Package service line in a booking when the package services are displayed. See Colours.

RATERULECHECK (Per User, String)

Check rate rules in batch processes such as insert bookings. (Y/N)


When set to Y, product amenities will not be searched when a supplier code is specified as part of the service search criteria.

SKIP_HEADER (Per User, String)

If default values have been set for all fields in the Booking Header, setting this value to Y will skip the booking header.

STATUS (Per User, String)

The default initial status of the booking.


When this value is set to Y, Tourplan will test for accounting transactions before allowing booking deletion. If transactions are found, deletion is denied.

(continued in GroupBook)