(continued from Tourplan.ini)


Settings available under INI Maint> System are: (INI NAME, Per User/All, Data Type).


Allows the Import/Export of debtor receipts and creditor payments via MoneyDirect.

AGENTANALYSIS (3 Fields) (All Users, String)

Labels for the three Agent Analysis fields. Once set, these field labels are available in CodeMaint> A/C Receivable for the definition of data in the agent analysis tables. This data is then able to be set against agents in Debtors/Details/Analysis tab.


When External flight services are brought into a booking, there can be multiple sectors on different dates. Setting this flag to Y will output all sectors concurrently on a PNR that have been saved as a specific service line Day/Seq no, regardless of any other services which fall on dates inside the sector dates.


The message line type code to use for the first flight sector in an External flight service.

AIR_SERVICE_MSG_LAST (All Users, String)

The message line type code to use for the last flight sector in an External flight service.

AIR_SERVICE_MSG_SUB (All Users, String)

The message line type code to use for External flight service sectors subsequent to the first sector.

AIR_SERVICE_MSG_TYPE (All Users, String)

In the absence of any settings for First, Last and Sub message types; this is the code that will be used for all External flight sector message lines.

AIR_SERVICE_TYPE (All Users, String)

The default Service Type for External flight services.

AIR_SHOW_SECTORS (All Users, String)

Show each sector when messaging an air service (Y/N).


When set to Y (es), Product Options that have had the Service Details/Cost Details/ Deleted flag set on, will display in the Allocations application as being available to an allocation attached to them.


When Y (es), a Service Time field displays during service insert into bookings. This is in addition to (but the same data as) the standard Pick-up Time field in Pick/Drop-off details.


When Y(es), message output destined to Email will automatically be sent via fax if no valid email address is found.

Requires 3rd party Tourplan compatible fax software. Check with the local Tourplan office.



When Y (es), the default radio button setting for Booking recalculation is All Except Override.


When N (o), the message system phonebook will not be displayed if there are no multiple contacts and a valid contact is found. When Y (es), the phone book displays on message output, even if only one contact is located.

ANALYSISn (3 Fields) (All Users, String)

Labels for the three Booking Analysis fields. Once set, these field labels are available in CodeMaint> Bookings for the definition of data in the booking analysis tables. This data is then able to be set against bookings in Header Details tab.


Determines the basis of how the Agent balance is calculated when being compared with the agent credit limit. The default is total outstanding including future entered and aged. Setting to C will check current+overdue1–4.


These three settings are used to provide the start numbering sequence for Debtors accounting documents—Credit Notes, Invoices and Receipts.

AUTOMESSAGE (All Users, String)

Switches on the Auto messaging system. There are 4 valid values: G = GroupBook only; F = FastBook only, B = Both GroupBook & Fastbook; N = None.

BASECURRENCY (All Users, String)

The 3 character currency of the currency that the final accounting will be done in. i.e., the currency of the country the system is domiciled in. This must match the currency code for the base currency that is set up under Define Currency Codes.


If Batch Voucher Printing is used (Operations> Bookings> Bulk Vouchering), the value here will determine the maximum number of vouchers to be printed per batch.

BK_RATE_STATUS_DESC (All Users, String)

A user defined description which can be output on messages describing the status of a rate which is flagged as Confirmed in the Product Database. Used with messaging substitution code RSTD.

BK_RATE_STATUS_DESCE (All Users, String)

A user defined description which can be output on messages describing the status of a rate which is Expired in the Product Database. Used with messaging substitution code RSTD.

BK_RATE_STATUS_DESCM (All Users, String)

A user defined description which can be output on messages describing the status of a rate which is flagged as Manual in the Product Database. Used with messaging substitution code RSTD.

BK_RATE_STATUS_DESCX (All Users, String)

A user defined description which can be output on messages describing the status of a rate which is used in a booking and Crosses a Season Boundary in the Product Database. Used with messaging substitution code RSTD.

BOOKON_NAME (All Users, String)

The default name for a Group booking generated via the Operations/Book On function for rolling up FIT Package Bookings into a GroupBook series departure. Valid values are P–PCM Name or S–Package Service Description. When setting this value it should be remembered that the BOOKON_PREFIX and the BOOKON_SUFFIX value are prepended and appended to the Booking Name (as obtained from the BOOKON_NAME variable), and there is a maximum limit of 60 characters for a booking name.

BOOKON_PREFIX (All Users, String)

A prefix which will be prepended to the BOOKON_NAME when the Group booking generated via Operations> Book On is created.

BOOKON_ROOMLIST (All Users, String)

There are two methods of outputting GroupBook rooming lists—as a text Notes (with a special note category), or as a passenger name record stored in the names table. When a Group booking is generated via the Operations> Book On function for rolling up FIT Package Bookings into a GroupBook series departure, the system needs to know which method of rooming list is being used. The valid values are NOTES or BOOKING


If NOTES is being used for the BOOKON_ROOMLIST, then the note category created specifically for rooming lists must be entered as the value here.

BOOKON_SUFFIX (All Users, String)

A suffix which will be appended to the BOOKON_NAME when the Group booking generated via Operations> Book On is created.

BSD_PAX_COUNT (All Users, String)

Multiple Itineraries per booking are able to be created in GroupBook. This provides the facility to have services that all pax are doing as one itinerary, and (e.g.) any optional tours that may be taken as separate itineraries—one per optional tour. When outputting Pax Numbers in reports, this setting determines whether the count of pax to report is across all itineraries, or whether to use the values from Itinerary 1 only (which is the itinerary used for the services all pax are having). Valid values are H (Header total of all pax) or I (Pax number from first Itinerary only).

BSPPLATE (All Users, String)

The BSP Plate record which will be used by default.

BSPPROCESSING (All Users, String)

When set to Y, indicates that full BSP Air processing is being used.

BSPSUPPLIER (All Users, String)

The default BSP (ARC) supplier that will be used.

BUYCOLOUR (Per User, Colour)

Colour to use for the Product Database Buy value in bookings and PCMs. In hexadecimal format. See Colours.


Tourplan can maintain some error logging functions. This field stores the directory path where the error log file is to be stored. Used in conjunction with the INI setting LOGERRORSTOFILE.

CLIENT_PT_CODE (All Users, String)

Stores the user company Tourplan internal code. Only required when client specials are installed.


Can be used to assist the locating of records in Combos (Drop-downs) when a large number of records need to be scanned. Once the value is this field is exceeded, the system will look to the SQL Database for a match, rather than check the Combo. The success or otherwise of this setting is dependent on network configuration, workstation configuration etc.

COMPANYNAME (All Users, String)

The user company software license name. This is used on report headings, login screens etc.

Any attempt to change this value will result in the system being unusable.


CTR_ENABLED (All Users, String)

When set to Y (es), allows a Country description to be set up and Countries defined. These are then able to be used in the Service lookup process in PCMs and Bookings.

The term Country is a default description. The INI setting CTR_LABEL allows a descriptive label to be set. The important thing is that the Country (and Destination—see When set to Y (es), allows a Destination description to be set up and Destinations defined. These are then able to be used in the Service lookup process in PCMs and Bookings.

can be used as two additional descriptions in conjunction with the Location, Service, Supplier coding that services use.

CTR_LABEL (All Users, String)

The label to describe the Country level enabled in CTR_ENABLED above.


The current version of the Tourplan SQL Database. System updated only.

DATABASE_ANALYSIS (3 Fields) (All Users, String)

Labels for the three Database Analysis fields. Once set, these fields labels are available in CodeMaint> Database Node for the definition of data in the Database analysis tables. This data is then able to be set in the Options Cost Detail screen of services in the Product Database.


This setting controls the way dates are displayed in onscreen fields. See Dates/Times.


The default date/time format sent to SQL Server. In most instances, this will probably not have to be set. If there is a discrepancy between the Microsoft SQL Server setup, ODBC Driver Setup and Workstation/Server Regional settings, then this setting can be changed. See Dates/Times.


As DATETIME_FORMAT_DISPLAY, but for those fields that only display dates (not dates and times). See Dates/Times.

DATE_FORMAT_ENTRY (All Users, String)

The format of date entry into date fields. See Dates/Times.

Having separate settings for Date Format Entry and Date Format Display means that dates can be entered in one format, but display in another—e.g., a date entered as 01/01/11 can display as 01 Jan 2011.


DATE_SQLFORMAT (Per User, String)

The default date/time format sent to SQL Server. In most instances, this will probably not have to be set. If there is a discrepancy between the Microsoft SQL Server setup, ODBC Driver Setup and Workstation/Server Regional settings, then this setting can be changed. See Dates/Times.

DB_USER_ANALYSISn (3 Fields) (Per User, String)

One or all of these three settings can be used control Product Database searches by User Name in given special circumstances. Used in conjunction with DB_USER_LOCK_BY. Setting these fields should only be done on the basis of Support advice.

DB_USER_LOCK_BY (All Users, String)

In conjunction with DB_USER_ANAYSISn, is used to lock users to specific Product Database services. Setting this field should only be done on the basis of Support advice.

DEFAULTCOLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default background colour for data cells. In hexadecimal format. See Colours.


The default font that will be used in Notes and Messaging set up and editing screens. This setting applies system wide.


The default font size that will be used in Notes and Messaging set up and editing screens. This setting applies system wide.


The default %age value that will be applied to expired Product rates when entered into PCMs and/or Bookings.

DEFAULT_ANALYSISn (3 Fields) (Per User, String)

Default analysis codes for the three PCM Analysis 1–3 fields. Once set, these values will default into the analysis fields in a PCM header when the PCM is created.


When searching for bookings, there are four date fields—Travel Date From/To and Booking Date Entered From/To. This INI setting is used to define the default From value for the Booking Date Entered range in the booking find/scroll. Can be either a specific date or number of months. If months is used, the value must be preceded by a minus (-) sign—e.g., -12

DEF_BKG_TD_FROM_DATE (Per User, String)

As DEF_BKG_FIND_FROM_DATE, but the default From value for the Booking Travel Date.

DST_ENABLED (All Users, String)

When set to Y (es), allows a Destination description to be set up and Destinations defined. These are then able to be used in the Service lookup process in PCMs and Bookings.

The term Destination is a default description. The INI setting DST_LABEL allows a descriptive label to be set. The important thing is that Destinations (and Countries) can be used as two additional descriptions in conjunction with the Location, Service, Supplier coding that services use.


DST_LABEL (All Users, String)

The label to describe the Destination level enabled in DST_ENABLED above.

EDITCOLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The background grid colour in the PCM Service Details screen. The alternate column colour when GRIDALTERNATECOLOUR is being used,

EDIT_INVOICE_MSG (Per User, String)

Switch to allow/deny the editing of Invoice messages in the message editing screen.

*EFTSEQUENCE (All Users, String) (Customised usage))

Redundant Setting

*ESEARCH_ADDRESS (Per User, String) (Customised usage)
*ESEARCH_TIMEOUT (Per User, String) (Customised usage)
EXE_PATH (Per User, String)

Directory path to the Tourplan executable (EXE) program files. Although the exe location can vary on a user by user basis, it should be kept the same for all users. System upgrading is more difficult if multiple EXE locations are used.

This EXE_PATH setting should be the same as the EXE_PATH setting in Tourplan.ini.



The default service status when a manual flight service is inserted into a booking.

FX_REVAL_SUBCODE (All Users, String)

The Currency Sub-code to use when Foreign Currency revaluations are being calculated.

GRAPHICSPATH (Per User, String)

Directory path to the Tourplan graphics files. Although the graphics location can vary on a user by user basis, it should be kept the same for all users, since system upgrading will be difficult.

This GRAPHICSPATH path setting should be the same as the GRAPHICSPATH setting in Tourplan.ini.



Enables the alternate columns in PCMs to be a different colour. See Colours.

HELPFILEPATH (Per User, String)

Directory path to the Tourplan help files. Although the help files location can vary on a user by user basis, it should be kept the same for all users; otherwise, system upgrading will be difficult.

HIDESTATUSBAR (Per User, String)

When set to Y, the Tourplan Status bar (where current User Name, Date, Time, Caps & Num lock indicators display) will be hidden. Valid on Windows XP Systems only.


This setting controls which Package Departures are displayed during the Operations> Book On procedure. When set to Y, those packages which have 0 bookings on them will not be displayed. This setting effectively sets/unsets the checkbox which is available in the Operations exe to control this function.


If rates have been set in the Product Database as being valid on certain days only, setting this to Y will ignore the apply days when the rates have expired.

INVOICENOCOMM (All Users, String)

When commissions are paid to agents, the standard settings (N) will generate an invoice showing Retail, Less Commission = Net. e.g., 1000.00, -100 = 900.00. Internally (not displayed on an invoice transaction) a record is stored of the commission amount of each service. When this setting is Y, there are no commission records created and the invoice amount is calculated as 900.00, -0.00 = 900.00

KEYSTYLE (All Users, String)

Two choices are available for this setting:

LEASEDSYSTEM (All Users, String)

Indicates whether the software license is a lease. This is set during the installation of the Tourplan Software license code. Altering this setting will render the system unusable.


These two settings store the start and end dates of the current software lease period. Altering these settings will render the system unusable.


There are a number of batch processing functions available in Tourplan. These include Batch Invoicing, Batch Printing. Some messaging codes that are specifically bookings related are available in message output from bookings, but are not available from the equivalent batch process. Setting this to Y will load the bookings data during the batch processing operation; so that all bookings based messaging codes are available for the batch output.

Setting this to Y will have a significant impact on the speed of the batch process.



When set to Y, application and database errors will be logged to a file in the location specified in the CENTRALERRORLOGFILE setting above.

LOGIN_CHECK (Per User, Number)

The number of seconds between checking the user is currently and validly logged in. [300–3600]

MARK-UPTAX (All Users, String)

If tax is applied to booking mark-up, then the tax must be specified in this setting. The value entered must match a valid tax code as set up in Database/Taxes.

MATHDELIMITER (All Users, String)

Tourplan is able to perform simple mathematic calculations during message output—Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. These calculations can be performed on any numeric field output. The system needs an indication of which fields are to be calculated, and this INI setting contains the value that Tourplan will recognise as the beginning of a mathematic expression. Only 2 characters are available [and ^. (^ = the Ctrl character which is Shift 6 on a standard 101 US English keyboard). In messaging, the values to be calculated are enclosed in either [ ] or ^ |. The INI setting only needs the first character of the set i.e., [or ^. More detail on using mathematic calculations in messages is covered in the section.


The numeric value set here is the maximum number of service lines that will display in the bulk messaging program. This setting is designed to limit the maximum so that the processing is faster—i.e., process smaller batches.

MAXUSERS (All Users, String)

The maximum number of concurrent users the Tourplan system is licensed for.

Any attempt to change this value will result in the system being unusable.



There can be multiple contact details (fax numbers/email addresses etc.) for suppliers and agents. When a message is being output, the system cannot always determine which contact details to use, so the supplier/agent details from the phone book are displayed for the user to select the correct contact details. When a message is being saved to a file or printed, it may not be necessary to populate it with the contact details. Setting this value to Y will ignore fax/email details when not outputting the message to Fax or Email.

MSG_OUTPUT_FILE_EXTN (All Users, String)

Some email servers that are able to handle text as email messages need a specific file name extension (e.g., .RAW) that identifies them as text emails requiring SMTP conversion. The required file name extension can be entered here.


During output of supplier messages, a radio button is available which offers several options for consolidation—i.e., if the same supplier is used more than once in a booking, send the details of all that suppliers requirements in one message rather than individual messages. Setting this value to Y will default consolidation by supplier.


When this value is set to Y email attachments that were generated during the message output process will be deleted.

The attachments are only deleted from the hard disk where they were created. They are still attached to the email in the email client software (Outlook etc.).



The path to the folder where email attachments will be created (and stored if MS_ATTACHMENT_DELETE = N).

MS_COMPRESS_IMAGE (Per User, String)

Images inside PDF message attachments can make the attachment quite large. This setting allows a numeric value between 0 and 10 to be entered where 0 = no compression and 10 is the highest compression.

The greater the compression, the poorer the quality of the image in the attachment.



The default Language code to use when no message is defined for the language which may be attached to the agent/supplier.


This value can set the default message output method—Fax, Email, Printer or File.

MS_EMAIL_BCC_CMD (Per User, String)

Used by the message system to identify where to find any “bcc” (blind carbon copy) portion of a message header inside the Email header tags.

MS_EMAIL_CC_CMD (Per User, String)

Used by the message system to identify where to find any “cc” (carbon copy) portion of a message header inside the Email header tags.

MS_EMAIL_OUTPUT (Per User, String)

The pick-up directory for non MAPI compliant email systems—e.g. Mdaemon. MAPI compliant systems include Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes, and Eudora etc.

MS_EMAIL_SYSTEM (Per User, String)

The type of email system used. There are two main types. MAPI compliant and non MAPI compliant. A value of OUTLOOK identifies that the email client on the workstation is MAPI compliant and TourplaniS will use the Windows MAPI spooler to send the message. If non MAPI compliant email software is on the workstation, then the setting should be RAW and the mail messages directed to the pick-up directory specified in MS_EMAIL_OUTPUT.

MS_EMAIL_TO_CMD (Per User, String)

Used by the message system to identify where to find any “To” portion of a message header inside the Email header tags.

MS_FAX_OUTPUT (Per User, String)

The pick-up directory for integrated third party fax software.

MS_FAX_SYSTEM (Per User, String)

The type of integrated fax system, one of:

MS_FAX_TO_CMD (Per User, String)

Used by the message system to identify where to find any “To” portion of a message header inside the Fax header tags. E.g. “[~Dest:,]” indicates the number is found between “[~Dest: and ]”

MS_FILE_OUTPUT (Per User, String)

Default target directory for messages which are output to file

MS_MULTI_CONTACT (All Users, String)

Turns on Multi Contact Supplier messaging. Details on the set up and use of this feature are discussed under , Special Features, Multi-Contact Supplier Messaging.

MS_RETAIN_HISTORY (Per User, String)

Setting this value to Y will default the radio button in message format set up to Full History. Setting to N will default the radio button to No History.

NEXTBKGREF (All Users, Number)

This setting is used to set the starting reference number for bookings. Once set, it should not be changed without contacting Tourplan Support.

NEXTFILENUMBER (All Users, Number)

The starting value for Tourplan data output to file. The file name is constructed by the concatenation of the date and this number.


When set to “Y”, halts the display of cost prices in the Bookings Service Scroll screen

NONEDITCOLOUR (Per User, Colour)

Redundant setting


The Code of currencies that are not plural and do have S appended to their description when multiples are involved—e.g., YEN, BHT.


When set to Y, agent commission is not applied to invoice lines which are manually inserted.


Sets the default radio button in the bookings insert scroll which determines whether All Price Code services, System Price Code services, Applicable Price Code services are displayed or if manual price code filters are to be used.

OVERRIDECOLOUR (per User, Colour)

Colour for overridden rates in bookings See Colours.

PCM_ANALYSISn (3 Fields) (All Users, String)

Labels for the three PCM Analysis fields. Once set, these fields’ labels are available in CodeMaint> PCM Node for the definition of data in the PCM analysis tables. This data is then able to be set against PCMs in the PCM Header screen.


The default initial service entry status code of a service line in PCMs.

PERFORMANCE_LOG (All Users, String)

Some common tasks in Tourplan are able to have their activity times and other detail recorded. Performance Logging is activated via this setting. The value is a comma separated string of Logged Event numbers.


Sets the default for the checkbox Retain Sell Price when substituting a service in bookings.


Either allows or denies the user to change the setting in the Retain Sell Price checkbox.


If printing to Letter size paper, this value can be set and the font size is reduced by 1 point.


The time in seconds that the system will poll the user’s message queue. See Queue Polling.


The value in this setting must be the same as the corresponding setting in the Windows Regional settings on the computer that Tourplan has been installed on. Regional settings in Windows are accessed via Start> Control Panel> Regional and Language Settings. The value for this setting is usually a slash (“/”).


The value in this setting must be the same as the corresponding setting in the Windows Regional settings on the computer that Tourplan has been installed on. Regional settings in Windows are accessed via Start> Control Panel> Regional and Language Settings. The value for this setting is usually a period (“.”).


The value in this setting must be the same as the corresponding setting in the Windows Regional settings on the computer that Tourplan has been installed on. Regional settings in Windows are accessed via Start> Control Panel> Regional and Language Settings. The value for this setting is usually a comma (“,”).


The value in this setting must be the same as the corresponding setting in the Windows Regional settings on the computer that Tourplan has been installed on. Regional settings in Windows are accessed via Start> Control Panel> Regional and Language Settings. The value for this setting is usually a comma (“,”).


The system registration code. DO NOT TOUCH!

Any change to this value will render the system inoperative.



The default colour for the cell displaying the allocation release period when any of the dates selected fall inside the release period. In hexadecimal format. See Colours.


These settings allow the release version numbers of the individual Tourplan program executables to be entered in them. As a user starts one of the applications, the INI value is checked against the actual executable version and if the version numbers do not match, program execution is denied. New versions of the individual application executables are released periodically. The major release is version 2.07, but the release numbers of the different executables will have 3 numbers appended—e.g., 2.07.132. The release version of each executable can be different. The format for these fields is the last 3 digits—e.g., 254.

RELEASE_VERSION (All Users, String)

The major release version number.


This setting controls the grid colour in the Product Availability Report and the Release Allocations report


The default names for the three resources in System Setup Introduction are Drivers Guides and Vehicles. If alternative descriptions of resources are required, labels can be entered under these three settings. These labels are used for the resource, and the resource category.

SELLCOLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The text colour in the Override Sell field in the service costs screen in Bookings.


The default background colour of a service line in bookings. See Colours.

SERVICE_FS_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status is Freesold. See Colours.

SERVICE_FS_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate Freesold.

SERVICE_INS_START (Per User, String)

The field that the cursor will be in when the service insert screen is opened. Can be DAY, DATE or SEQ (Sequence Number).

SERVICE_IT_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status is the Initial service entry status. See Colours.

SERVICE_IT_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default initial service entry status code of a service line in bookings.

SERVICE_OK_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status is Allocation. See Colours.

SERVICE_OK_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate all rooms have been taken from Allocation.

SERVICE_PA_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status indicates part of the service is off allocation. See Colours.

SERVICE_PA_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate some rooms have been taken from Allocation.

SERVICE_PU_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status indicates a Package is unavailable. See Colours.

SERVICE_PU_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate a Package is unavailable.

SERVICE_RQ_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status indicates the service is on Request. See Colours.

SERVICE_RQ_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate the service is on Request.

*SERVICE_TK_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)(Customised usage)
*SERVICE_TK_STATUS (Per User, String) (Customised usage)
SERVICE_XX_COLOUR (Per User, Colour)

The default colour of a service line in bookings when the service status indicates the service is cancelled. See Colours.

SERVICE_XX_STATUS (Per User, String)

The default status code of a service line in bookings to indicate the service is cancelled.


When set to Y will show the last invoice date in the scroll of bookings to be invoiced.


Setting this value to Y will display a warning message when a booking currency is changed.


This value must be set to Y before any service line colours associated with the service status will display.


Sets the default for the checkbox Retain Pick-up/Drop-off Details when substituting a service in bookings.

SUBDELIMITER (All Users, String)

The character to indicate messaging substitution codes. The default is <. Other available characters are ^, and/ . The opposing character must be at the end of the substitution code—e.g. <QTY2>, ^QTY2|,/ QTY2\

SUPPLIERANALYSISn (3 Fields), (All Users, String)

Labels for the three Supplier Analysis fields. Once set, these fields’ labels are available in CodeMaint> A/C Payable for the definition of data in the supplier analysis tables. This data is then able to be set against suppliers in the Creditors> Details> Analysis tab.


The default font colour when a required General Ledger posting account cannot be found.


This setting controls which elements of the Discount/Commission/Mark-up matrix are to be obeyed when the data in a Tariff Writer spread sheet is being inserted or refreshed.

TAXINCLUSIVE (All Users, String)

System-wide setting to indicate whether values in bookings display INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE of tax.

TIME_FORMAT_ENTRY (All Users, String)

The format to be used when times are being entered. See Dates/Times.


The format to be used when Hours and Minutes of times are displayed. See Dates/Times.


The format to be used when Seconds of times are displayed. See Dates/Times.

USERMAILLOGON (Per User, String)

The name of the users Outlook profile to use when messages are sent via email. If Outlook Express is being used, then the value is the name of the Email program in Internet Explorer> Tools> Internet Options> Programs.


If the users Outlook profile has a password associated with it, this must be entered as the value in this setting.

USERTEXTn (5 Fields) (All Users, String)

These 5 settings are used for labelling the 5 User Defined Text fields which display in the Booking Header screen once the label(s) are set.


The default price code that will be used on service insert if the service chosen does not have the correct agent/booking header price code.


This setting determines whether the Liability Only voucher status must be validated if it is changed. If set to Y, services with a Liability voucher status cannot be deleted or substituted.


These settings are used to label the icons which appear when reports etc. are saved to file. There are 4 different file output types—.CSV (Comma Separated Values–usually opened with spread sheet programs), .PDF (Portable Document Format–usually opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader). RTF (Rich Text Format–a simplified word processor format) and .TXT (Text–plain text, normally opened with a Text Editor. There are up to 5 labels available per output type. Since CSV files can be opened with applications other than spread sheets, the labels can be set up to indicate the applications that can open it—e.g., VIEWERCAPTIONCSV1 = Excel; VIEWERCAPTIONCSV2 = Word; VIEWERCAPTIONCSV3 = WordPad; VIEWERCAPTIONCSV4 = NotePad.

VIEWERICONCSV1–5 (PDF, RTF, TXT) (Per User, String)

These settings have the name of the application icon files that will display with the labels set in the VIEWERCAPTION???n settings.

VIEWERPATHCSV1–5 (PDF, RTF, TXT) (Per User, String)

These settings store the directory path to the applications that the have been labelled in VIEWERCAPTION???n.

(continued in Colours)